My Personal Finance Calculator


 The My Personal Finance Calculator is a tool designed to educate on personal financial matters, in order to help you make more informed financial decisions. Around 80% of Americans have some sort of debt and the goal of the calculator is to try to eliminate debt by helping Americans plan out their finances for the next year. The calculator considers many components to provide an estimate of how much money you will have by the end of the year. The various expenses can be easily changed to see how each will affect the output (earnings or debt). Most of the expenses come preset with what the average American would pay. Note this is an average, meaning you may have to pay more or less depending on what state you live in and your current circumstances. If you are confused by any of the inputs, simply hover over the text and a pop-up will provide insight into what it is along with a link to an additional source to further educate yourself. By experimenting with the calculator the user can gain a better understanding on how to manage their finances and make more educated decisions on how to spend their money.

Gross Income

Your gross income will be $31025.82.







Personal upkeep

Health insurances




Net Income

Press Calculate

Submission for the Congressional App Challenge made by Breck Massey, Brady Williams, and Nic Prete